Mrs. Wendy Burgess - Area 5
Wendy Burgess is a 23 year veteran educator and state-level education advocate who has been an active community member. Wendy graduated from Lander University with a double major in elementary education and early childhood development. She earned a Master’s degree in Special Education in 2005 from Clemson University. She also earned a second Master’s Degree in administration and leadership from Clemson University in 2008. In addition, Wendy obtained her National Board Certification as an Early Childhood Generalist in 2005 and 2015.
Wendy brings a very diverse leadership background with her including classroom, building, and state level leadership. Wendy was one of the initial reading coaches in the state charged with the implementation of the Read to Succeed legislation signed by Governor Nikki Haley in 2014. As a result of Wendy’s commitment to early learning and literacy, she was hired at the South Carolina Department of Education as team leader for Early Learning. As part of her work and advocacy, Wendy serves on numerous task forces and state level initiatives including the South Carolina Partnership for Inclusion, Family Engagement, BUILD Birth thru Five Systems, Pyramid Model, Multi-tiered System of Supports, and numerous other state level implementations. Wendy also serves on the Anderson County First Steps Board, the Anderson 1 and 2 Technology Center Board, and Council of Chief State Officers' Early Childhood Planning Committee.
Wendy’s focus is to ensure that district level communication is upfront and transparent. She also plans to strengthen family engagement by encouraging opportunities for families to actively participate in decision-making opportunities related to their child’s education and district decisions. She is further committed to equal and equitable access for all students to resources across the district.
Wendy is extremely proud of her family. She is married to the Honorable Rockey D. Burgess, Williamston Mayor, who is a 1993 Palmetto graduate and successful business owner. They have three beautiful children. Austin is a graduate of Palmetto High School and is at The Citadel. Their daughter, Sophi, attends Palmetto Middle while their daughter, Channing, attends Cedar Grove Elementary. The Burgess family invests daily in the Anderson One community.
In her spare time, Wendy enjoys traveling, swimming, and reading.
Cell: 864-356-7110
Email: burgessw@apps.anderson1.org