The Wren High School Beta Club is an academic service organization open by invitation to sophomores, juniors, and seniors who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.8
Faculty Sponsors: Mrs. Christina Barbusca, Mrs. Emily Boatwright, Mrs. Billie Fry, Mrs. Mindy Imperati, Mrs. Karen Key
Standards of Membership are based on the Four Pillars of Beta and include achievement, character, leadership, and service. Members participate in a variety of service projects throughout the year. Sophomores complete independent service hours, juniors and seniors complete small-group service projects, and the club members collect and donate products to six community charities. Beta also sponsors an annual fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish organization of South Carolina.
Wren’s Beta Club is chartered through the National Beta Club, an organization founded by Dr. John W. Harris in 1934 in Spartanburg, South Carolina.