Anderson School District One
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 20, 2025
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Important Upcoming Dates
Now Hiring
Student Nutrition Services
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Upcoming Holiday Notification
❄️ Winter Weather Update ❄️
Out of an abundance of caution, all schools in Anderson School District One will operate on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, January 13.
Winter Weather Update: Due to the anticipated winter weather projected for our area, Anderson One will have an eLearning Day TOMORROW, January 10.
What you need to know:
• All after-school activities and athletic events scheduled for Friday and Saturday are canceled
• Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom for middle and high school students
• Assignments will be posted in Seesaw for elementary students
• Students will have 5 days to complete their eLearning assignments
Stay safe!
Today is National Law Enforcement Day. Anderson School District One would like to thank every law enforcement agent and agency that vows to "Serve and Protect" especially those in the Anderson School District One area. Thank you for keeping our students, faculty, staff, and community safe. You are our heroes!
If you or a loved one serve in this capacity, we share our appreciation for your service to your communities as well. Thank you.
We are looking forward to welcoming our students back tomorrow, January 7, 2025.
January is designated as School Board Recognition Month. Anderson School District One is honored to have these seven individuals representing all areas of our district.
Our sincerest appreciation goes to Nancy Upton, Chair, Area 7; Dr. JC Neel IV, Area 3; Wendy Burgess, Area 5; Michael S. Wilson, Area 2; Pat Cox, Area 4: Melissa Hood, Secretary, Area 1; and Brenda Ellison, Vice-Chair, Area 6.
In case you ever wondered what school boards are all about...The following are five reasons school boards are the decision-makers in today’s schools:
1. Your school board looks out for children – first and foremost. Education is not a line item in your school board’s budget – it is the only item.
2. Your school board is the advocate for your community when decisions are made about your children’s education. The school board represents the public’s voice in public education, providing citizen governance for what the public schools need and what the community wants.
3. Your school board sets the standard for achievement in your district, incorporating the community’s view of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Your school board is also responsible for working with the superintendent to establish a valid process for measuring student success and, when necessary, shifting resources to ensure that the district’s goals are achieved.
4. Your school board is accessible to you and accountable for the performance of the schools in your district. If the schools are not producing, it is your right as a voter to elect new board members who will see your students and your schools succeed.
5. Your school board is your community’s education watchdog, ensuring taxpayers get the most for their tax dollars. Public education in South Carolina is a $6.5 billion business. In the majority of districts, school boards have taxing authority. That direct oversight – and responsibility – should not be given to politicians whose first priority is something other than education.
Here is a famous quote from former Governor of South Carolina, “As a product of the public education system, I want all American students to have what I had—access to a quality education that enables them to pursue any career they wish, and take on any challenge they choose. Giving our students the best education in the world is a moral imperative and, especially, an economic necessity.”
—Richard Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education
Welcome 2025
From our family to yours...
December 21, 2024
We are extremely impressed with the caliber of the arts in our district. The district office held a Christmas Tree decorating contest with all eight elementary schools. The theme of the trees was "Children's Books". Each school submitted and decorated a tree displayed in our boardroom during the holidays. District office employees voted for their favorite tree and the winning school won monies for their art program.
The winning school was Hunt Meadows Elementary School, art teacher - Ashley Pearson and the book was the "Rainbow Fish".
A huge thank you to each school and their art teacher for partnering with us to make this such a successful festival of trees.
We wish everyone a very festive and delightful holiday season!
Each of our middle schools selected winners from their school to represent in our Annual Christmas Card contest for our district. We are very impressed with the level of talent these students showcased. Congratulations to all the school winners. Our chosen winning design was submitted by Hilen Romero Mercado, student at Powdersville Middle School. Her art teacher is Ms. Julie Richard. This card will be the official Christmas Card for Anderson School District One. We are very proud of all our students and their exceptional talent and for the support of our art teachers participating in this annual event.
Pictured: Hilen Romero Mercado, Hilen Romero Mercado and Mr. Todd Binnicker, Principal of Powdersville Middle School, Winning Art Contest Design, All art design submissions by middle school students
Hunt Meadows art students have decorated our district office before the holidays. Thank you to these talented students and art teacher, Ashley Pearson, for sharing these masterpieces with us. Merry Christmas to all!
Now hiring
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Coming Soon...
Friday, December 20 will be an early dismissal day
A special thank you to Lindsay Nix and her art students at Powdersville Elementary School. While we are all busy decorating for the holidays, these students decorated our district office with their amazing artwork! We always love showcasing our students' talents.
Employment Opportunities Available
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